
54 entries « 2 of 2 »



Pfefferlé, D; Graves, J P; Cooper, W A; Misev, C; Chapman, I T; Turnyanskiy, M; Sangaroon, S

NBI fast ion confinement in the helical core of MAST hybrid-like plasmas Journal Article

In: Nuclear Fusion, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 064020, 2014.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: confinement, fast particles, guiding-centre, internal kink, MHD equilibrium, neoclassical transport, neutral beam injection, VENUS-LEVIS



Cooper, W A; Chapman, I T; Schmitz, O; Turnbull, A D; Tobias, B J; Lazarus, E A; Turco, F; Lanctot, M J; Evans, T E; Graves, J P; Brunetti, D; Pfefferlé, D; Reimerdes, H; Sauter, O; Halpern, F D; Tran, T M; Coda, S; Duval, B P; B, Labit; Pochelon, A; Turnyanskiy, M R; Lao, L; Luce, T C; Buttery, R; Ferron, J R; Hollmann, E M; Petty, C C; van Zeeland, M; Fenstermacher, M E; Hanson, J M; Lütjens, H

Bifurcated helical core equilibrium states in tokamaks Journal Article

In: Nuclear Fusion, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 073021, 2013.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: helical core, internal kink, MHD equilibrium


Cooper, W. A.; Brunetti, D.; Graves, J. P.; Misev, C.; Pfefferlé, D.; Sauter, O.; Tran, T. M.; Chapman, I. T.; Lazerson, S. A.

Tokamak MHD Equilibria with 3D Distortions Proceedings Article

In: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013, pp. 986–989, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-63266-310-8.

BibTeX | Tags: MHD equilibrium, tokamak



Pfefferlé, D; Graves, J P; Cooper, W A

Exploitation of a general-coordinate guiding centre code for the redistribution of fast ions in deformed hybrid tokamak equilibria Proceedings Article

In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp. 012020, 2012.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: fast particles, helical core, internal kink, MHD equilibrium, VENUS-LEVIS

54 entries « 2 of 2 »